Direct market access electricity & gas
Direct market access to Electricity and natural gas exchanges for automated trading
Numerous terawatt hours of electricity and gas are traded on the European short-term markets every year. Market access to the intraday market allows forecast inaccuracies in the event of short-term deviations (e.g. production or power plant outages) to be balanced out and balancing group loyalty to be ensured.

START Direct market access electricity & gas
Risk minimisation with intraday market access
With our fully automated, direct market access to intraday and within-day trading, you can react flexibly to market changes. Our interface between producers and consumers as well as electricity and natural gas exchanges enables you to trade your short-term energy requirements efficiently. This minimizes your balancing energy or associated contractual penalties.
Our customer portal gives you direct access to European electricity and natural gas exchanges - around the clock, automated and transparent.
- Risk minimization and cost reduction by offsetting shortfalls or surpluses in intraday trading
- Automated trading tailored to the customer - from receipt and processing of quantities to gate closure (position closing)
- 24/7 trading through automated processes
- Ensuring balancing group loyalty
The scope of the generated or needed energy is calculated and traded in advance. Unscheduled production and power plant outages or a deviating energy generation can entail extra costs.
You notify us of your purchasing or selling requirement, e.g. via a REST API interface or via our customer portal. We trade for you in a fully automated process on the intraday market and, if applicable, also by participating in the day-ahead auctions.
We give you direct access to relevant electricity and natural gas exchanges in Europe via our customer portal.
Just seconds after the trades are executed on the intraday markets, you will see the traded quantity on the customer portal and the attributed execution price.
Energy for the economic driver
We never stand still and deliver digital solutions for customers, who operate on dynamic markets. After all, business success is the result of well-considered decisions. We help you make them.
Through our customised algorithms, we profitably trade industrial flexibility on the intraday markets.
We help city utilities with our in-depth industry know-how to move their energy mix in the direction of sustainability.
Power plant operators
Our fully automated solutions support power plant operators in the best possible utilisation of their capacities.
„Simply trading energy. Uncomplicated and with full transparency.“
Marcus Engler | Head of Industrial Sales
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As specific as your need:
Our answer
We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.
We are happy to advise you

Marcus Engler | Head of Industrial Sales
Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen