Renewable energies
Use flexibility, create stability: for renewables Market optimally
Renewable energies bring volatility to the electricity market - but with the right marketing strategy, plants such as biogas, hydropower and biomass can ensure grid stability and at the same time generate attractive market revenues.

START Intraday marketing of renewable energies
Optimizing renewable energies: Flexibility as the key to success
Renewable energies are often cited as the cause of ever-increasing price volatility on the electricity markets. Fluctuating energy yields such as wind and solar energy undoubtedly contribute to the fluctuations.
However, other renewable power plants such as Biomass, biogas, hydropower, biomethane CHPs and Co-location systems have the potential to compensate for precisely these fluctuations and at the same time benefit from electricity market prices.
Our expertise at ESFORIN lies in making targeted use of this flexibility. With our many years of experience in optimizing highly flexible and complex industrial processes, we market these power plants profitably across all markets.
We offer our customers in the biogas, hydropower and biomass sectors customized marketing that covers all relevant markets - from day-ahead trading to continuous intraday trading. We also specifically incorporate the opportunities offered by the balancing energy markets into our optimization strategies in order to exploit the full potential of your plant.
We deliberately avoid using external service providers and can work with you to develop a marketing strategy tailored to your system. In doing so, we naturally take into account the typical basic factors of the respective energy source.
Biogas plants - Efficient marketing and maximum transparency
For biogas plants, we automatically take into account various storage signals such as heat and gas storage as well as CHP-optimized operating modes. Seasonal or daily shifts pose no challenge. You can be sure that all engines will meet the required minimum output and meet the Decisive additional revenue to the tender result generate. At ESFORIN, we attach great importance to 100% transparency. You receive a complete overview of every trading transaction - including the "virtual" proceeds that we generate and, of course, pay out.

Hydropower - optimization potential for run-of-river and storage power plants
Run-of-river and storage power plants offer great optimization potential for hydropower. Even small shifts in production can Control energy market or intraday trading achieve considerable profits. When developing your marketing strategy, we take into account both the technical conditions of your hydropower plant and the seasonal differences in production.
Biomass - utilizing hidden flexibility potential
Biomass power plants are often perceived as base load power plants, as the energy process initially appears to offer little flexibility. However, targeted, small shifts in production can open up considerable profit potential if marketing is optimized.
Flexibility marketing for a stable energy future
As with our highly complex industrial customers, we work with you to develop a customer-specific strategy to make optimum use of your current flexibility. Should this change due to altered framework conditions - such as technical adjustments or legal changes - we are always on hand to advise you.
Flexible or, in the case of Co-location systems flexibilized renewable energy systems make a decisive contribution to a stable and balanced electricity market.
About us
The diversity of the energy sources available today leads to so far unseen volatility. We react to temporary changes within fractions of seconds – with our customised offer according to customer specifications.
Our participations in a digitally characterised world
With our solutions, we consistently rely on digital applications. This is bearing in mind that fractions of seconds in the interaction between supply and demand decide on financial success, incurred costs, and long-term supply reliability.
As specific as your need:
Our answer
We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.
We are happy to advise you

Matthias Mengler | Head of Renewable Sales
Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen