#4 | The Net in Transition

Listen in now and learn more about the power grid of the present and future!

#4 | The Net in Transition

Prof. Dr. Holger Wrede is an electrical engineer and talks in the fourth episode of our Change Maker podcast about an aspect of the energy transition that is essential for its success but still receives little attention in the media - our electricity grid!

How does it work, what is the difference between the old, fossil-based and the renewable generation system from the grid's point of view? How are the requirements changing in a world driven by wind power and photovoltaics? What will happen from the grid's point of view if the large power plants are successively shut down and where will inventiveness still be needed to ensure grid and supply security in the future?

We also learn from him how his research is helping to support change and conclude with a wonderful appeal to the next generation of engineers in Germany, the land of inventors.

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#6 | Innovations under power

A bird's eye view of Europe's energy world. Dr. Thomas Haller from the management consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners has put on his consulting glasses with us in this special E-World episode and clearly describes the entrepreneurial framework that the major European "energy transition" project needs.

Deep Ocean Tech

In the latest episode of our ESFORIN Change Makers podcast, Patrik Möller, CEO of CorPower Ocean, talks about the revolutionary power of wave energy and how it can help leave fossil fuel generation behind for good.


Together with Encavis AG, we are contributing to a green and secure energy system. Flexibility is always in demand - renewable energies can also have a positive impact on stabilizing the grid.

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