In an interview with Top Agrar, our CEO Christian Hövelhaus and COO Christoph Gardlo explain how flexible biogas plants can benefit from ESFORIN's cross-market flexibility marketing.

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Unter 25.435 Nominierungen wurde ESFORIN von der Cleantech Group in die Liste der „Global Cleantech 100“ aufgenommen! Wir sind stolz, neben vielen führenden Unternehmen, die Innovationen im Cleantech-Sektor vorantreiben, anerkannt zu werden – denn es spiegelt unsere Vision wider: Gemeinsam für ein grünes und gleichzeitig sicheres Energiesystem.

Grid curtailment in Germany

Tough nut to crack? Not with batteries and flexibility! Learn from our battery expert Swagath Bhat how flexibility, expansion of the grid and battery energy storage systems (BESS) as well as their optimisation can help to keep the lights on in Europe.

BESS Podcast

BESS for Success

What is needed for the successful implementation of battery energy storage systems (BESS)? What are the trends in battery storage systems? Find out more in our latest podcast episode (in German)!