Author: rsm_admin


We were live on site in Berlin at the ECOSUMMIT. Our CEO Christian Hövelhaus presented our company ESFORIN in a short pitch.

Industry as electricity storage

Worth reading article from Handelsblatt about us: Industrial plants can serve as a kind of storage for electricity from renewables. This should relieve the strain on grids and mitigate price extremes. One important player: ESFORIN.

TenneT „Flexibility Dialogue“

Our COO Christoph Gardlo presented as an expert at the Tennet "Flexibility Dialogue" the opportunities and challenges of flexibilities in the power market. The presentation and dscussion are worth a look!

Interview Christoph Ostermann

German article: "Deshalb habe ich mich auch an der ESFORIN SE beteiligt – ein Spezialist für Flexibilitätsvermarktung, ohne den meiner Meinung die Energiewende nicht gelingt. Das Unternehmen balanciert Angebot und Nachfrage am Strommarkt aus, was unsere Netze stabilisiert. Das wiederum vermeidet für die Industrie teure Blackouts." Christoph Ostermann in FOCUS Online

Interview FOCUS Online

„Ohne uns klappt die Energiewende nicht – oder kostet nochmal Milliarden.“ […] Die Netze ächzen unter der schwer prognostizierbaren Wind- und Solarkraft. Denkbare Lösung, die keine zusätzlichen Milliarden kostet: intelligente Flexibilitätsvermarktung.

We are happy to advise you

Thomas Crabtree | Country Manager Netherlands
+31 630852747

ESFORIN SE | +49.201.22038-100 | | Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen

As specific as your need: Our answer

We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.

We are happy to advise you

Denis Grynbaum | Country Manager France
+33 6 84 01 15 82

ESFORIN SE | +49.201.22038-100 | | Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen

As specific as your need: Our answer

We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.

We are happy to advise you

Swagath Bhat | Business Development Sales Manager
+49 201 22038 142

ESFORIN SE | +49.201.22038-100 | | Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen

As specific as your need: Our answer

We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.

We are happy to advise you

Theodora Trah

Dr. Theodora Trah | Marketing & Projects

ESFORIN SE | +49.201.22038-100 | | Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen

As specific as your need: Our answer

We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.

We are happy to advise you

Christian Muth

Christian Muth | Head of Sales Utilities

ESFORIN SE | +49.201.22038-100 | | Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen

As specific as your need: Our answer

We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.

We are happy to advise you

Christian Irion

Christian Irion | Senior Sales Manager

ESFORIN SE | +49.201.22038-100 | | Ruhrallee 201 | 45136 Essen

As specific as your need: Our answer

We are specialised in developing solutions customised to your personal requirements. And you can also righty expect this based on the information you receive from us.